TechcampWA 2015, organized by the U.S Embassy, Ghana and Ghana Think which brought together a hundred young social entrepreneurs was a great success.
The theme, Adapt, Empower and Measure is particularly revealing. First of all, we live in a society that demands of us a great adaptation effort against the breathtaking speed at which technology advances. Also, we cannot remain indifferent to this development, hence the need to continually learn and update our knowledge. Finally, we cannot work without a thoughtful plan. It is imperative to study, investigate, and assess the impact of our actions.
I am particularly interested in two talks. Mr. Anis Haffar, Gifted and Talented education (GATE) emphasized the need for educational reform and the importance of an education based on demonstration and actions, rather than orders and theory.
Mr. Patrick Awuah is the Founder of Ashesi University. Citizenship and leadership are the pillars of this University that is committed to building honest citizens who embody civic and leadership values. I really like the way he defines a good citizen. According to him, a good citizen is the one that is informed and knows the basis for decision-making and actions.

The visit to TechNeedsGirls was exceptionally rich. Not only because I love children, but also because Ms. Regina Agyare does a great job of giving these girls doomed to marriage at 12 and who are ostracised because they live in a slum, Nima an excellent boost. It is critical for these girls to be thanks to the Internet.
Rukaya, Basirat, Zubaida, Habiba and Firdaus, I hail to you! I see in you the pertinence of this statement made by Mr. Patrick Awuah:
Amazing leaders and a productive workforce will made Africa.